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Wednesday - April 7, 2010 was my highly anticipated appointment with a Rheumatologist, at the University of Utah Hospital. I had been asked my our family physician, not to take any steriods (prednislone) 3 days prior to my visit with the specialist. I was desperate an in pain. I couldn't even get up from the couch. Out of desperation, I took 10mil., which equals to two pills. Next day, the steriods had masked my Arthritis pain, in my physical test. So I had to have Xrays and blood work, done. This would provide the Rheumatologist with all the information he needs to treat my pain.

Thursday - I couldn't even get up. I laid in bed all days because of my pain.

Friday - I couln't even stand and walk. My poor husband Sho had to pick me up and move me around. He's great! I just love him so much.

Saturday - Alana's 7th Birthday (4/10/2010). Her special day. We told her ahead of time, that she was not having a big birthday party like last year. We explained special birthdays and reason. She clearly understood. The great thing about Alana, is she is grateful for everything. I mean really thankful. When asked by her uncles and aunties, what she would like for her Birthday, she asked for a happy family. Sho and I have done really well in providing not only her needs but her wants. She pretty much has it all. So this year, she received alot of envelope cards with money. She was so excited to add it to her change box. We explained not only the benefits but the importance of saving her money. We invited all immediate family for Pizza, cake and ice cream. She has a ball. She was so happy to fill our home with loved ones. That was enough to make her feel special. I'm so glad it doesn't take too much to please my baby.

Sunday - Church and Chill

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