Strobe Lighter


Happy Networking! :)

"We need to remember that though we make our friends, God has made our neighbors – everywhere. Love should have no boundary; we should have no narrow loyalties. "
— Howard W. Hunter

I know we all like to joke a whole lot about Facebook camping, but honestly, if used properly for appropriate social networking, it becomes an amazing tool to use. There are so many amazing assets of having a Facebook account. It can really benefit many. For more information about how to use your Facebook account, go to downward arrow in upper right hand corner by home link, scroll down and click on Help. Proper networking does not include selfish venting, prideful posting, or negative and nasty comments or remarks. Let's all make it our goal, to encourage and enrich one another's life with positive posts and encouraging words of wisdom. You will find much hope, laughter, smiles, and love in your life. Get the most out of Facebook.

The truth of this message applies to all Social Networking websites. The Internet can be a wonderful tool and resource for information, but caution must be exercised in order to protect families and individuals from the potential dangers that are present online. We do live in a world of technological miracles and have unlimited access through the Internet to resources one cannot begin to imagine. I have made so many friends online. So many amazing woman who have inspired my life, and many who have motivated me to be a better woman, friend, relative, sister, mother and most importantly wife. All of my online friends mean just as much to me as all my friends do. I appreciate you sisters and all that you do to contribut in my progression. You have made my life that much richer and I truly thank you for it all. Let's all work together to get the most out of the web and may we ulilize our online tools to establish a life, family and home of prayer, fast, faith, learning, glory, order and Heavenly Father. One Love & God Bless!

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