Strobe Lighter


Updates, Updates, Updates! All extra late. I know, I'm sorry! ;)

I know I'm totally late, but my next few post are going to be a little bit of a catch up from last year's happenings. I totally forgot about the things I do want to remember from last year, like Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also want to share a very important experience that has changed my life and my attitude for 2012. There's so much to catch up on and I feel like I hardly have the time, but I will do my best to get my blog updated with everything that "NIVA" has been up to. 

Please understand that I don't ever post to boast, but want to share some great, happy, sad and even at times, very humbling experiences that have helped me along the way. My only hope is that my blog post finds all of you in the best of health and in great spirits. This is a learning time for us all and I'm more than happy to open up about my life, if it will only touch and inspire another, just as some of you have made an impact on my own life. Hope you enjoy my upcoming blog posts. One Love & God Bless you ALL! :)

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