"Love knows no limit to its endurance, no end to its trust, no fading of its hope; it can outlast anything. Love still stands when all else has fallen."
It's 1:30 am and I can't fall asleep, although I have to be up at in a few hours to prepare for my full day of activities to support a great cause. I don't know if it's too much excitement, but all day I've been nauseous. My body was pretty soar today, but I wouldn't let it ruin my Friday fun. Since, my RA diagnoses, Sho and I haven't been out on a date, for over a year. He's been wanting to heed the wise words of our LDS leaders in "Dating your Wife" and tonight he was determined to make it happen. Therefore, I was inclined to follow his lead. The Anniversary started nice with a little midnight loving, Thursday ;o) Waking up in his arms was the best thing I could ever dream of.
Off to work we both went. Although it was busy for both of us, we remained in good spirits. After a brief visit with my Rhuemy, we were home to tidy up, get Lana ready for babysitting (thanks Spence!), and get dress for a night out. We decided to watch Inception, which totally blew our minds. Exactly the excitement we both needed. Although, I wanted to take him to Buca di pepo in Salt Lake, Sho wanted to try the all you can eat Pasta at Olive Garden in American Fork. Dinner was so yummy (thanks Mone&Ash for the gift card). We brought home desert to share with our baby girl Lana in bed, while watching Phineas & Ferb. I couldn't have asked for a better day. This is the real 2421 deal.
Can you believe this guy? This man just makes my heart melt. What have I done to deserve his love? He simply amazes me. If you've read my 411, then you know that my husband Sherwin (aka ShoLuv) have a long history together. He's the man I prayed for, when asking the Lord for companionship. He's the man in my dreams who would whisper sweet ode in my heart. The man who loved me from the day he met me. I have always teased my husband about the tour he took around the way to find me, but the truth is, I was on tour and no matter when or where, he's always had a special place in his heart for me and I for him. We let each other go and somehow found our way back to one another. It's apparent that we were made for each other.
My brother said it best, I'm one lucky gal. No man has ever loved me the way Sho loves me. No man could every handle the craziness I bring, like Sho can. This is the only man, I pray for everyday, that I may remain worthy of love. The only man I thank the Lord above for. His patience with me is a virtue far more priceless than anything I could ever wish for. His undying love for, I often time feel inadequate of. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, but off all that I have done in my past, I must have done something good. The Lord's love for me is so great, that he would bless me with such a person, to have, to hold, to love for not only this life, but for all eternity.
Happy Anniversary girl!! Here's to many more happy years!! Love ya!