Strobe Lighter


Today. . .

Well, it’s an awkward day. There’s just an eerie feeling hanging around through the day. Is it because I’m in so much pain, physically and emotional or is it more spiritually? Have I lost my way? I read a short simple and not so sweet blog post from a grieving widow; “Today I dream of unconsciousness...”.This really hit me hard. I mean I’m grieving for her. My thoughts, my heart and my immediate prayers go out to her and her children. May the Lord wrap his arms around her and comfort her at this trying time in her life.

It’s Thursday and here I am at work, getting my scheduled queues cleared and trying to remain productive. I love music. It’s sings to me what I feel. I’m thankful for IPods. I get a great mix of it all because I have an ear for all kinds of music and I appreciate all genres.

So, here’s what my play list looks like:

Classical Jazz
Sounds of the Sabbath
Hip Hop don’t Stop
New R & B First
Smooth Grooving Slow Jams
Eighties Ladies (80s Mix)
Kickin Kountry
High School Memories (90s Mix)
Low Rider Oldies but Goodies
Alternative & Rock
Disco Inferno (70’s Mix)
Reggae & SKA
Lana’s Disney Mix
FOB & Island Kutz
Rap Crap (G’s Mix)

So everyone on FB is getting me hyped up for Girl Night at the Twilight’s sequel “New Moon” that I was so not invited to. Yes, I have to admit to Myrna, Celeste and Linda that I was a bit sore about this. It’s cool! Ü I love you ladies anyways. Ü However, to my delightful surprise I was invited by my weird WTB gothV friends, who had extra tickets to view the premiere. Well, I thought long and hard about it. I don’t know what I was but hurt about, I hate crowds. I'm not on Team Jacob or Team Edward. I kindly declined. I got home and my cousin Christian told me that their friend Na'a got tickets and cousin Derek was giving up his for me because they remembered how I talked about it all day. I love my cousins. They really thought about me. Unfortunately, I didn't go because I took muscle relaxers and they put me to sleep before the 10 o'clock new even showed. I'm so fired. It's all good though.

And, who really needs New Moon, when I've got my own love story and his name is SHO! ShoNuff, ShoTime, Sho Luv, whatever you want to call it. Yes, he's my Edward. I'm all Team SHO Ok. I'm just getting caught up in the HYPE of things. I do want to go to tonight’s premiere but I can't watch it without Sho or my girls and ladies night is on Friday. Hmmmm. What to do? What to do? I think I'll wait for my Luv! Yes, well go on a Sunday morning when everyone else in Utah is at church. (LOL) Bad Niva! It's time to watch Twilight DVD again to get ready for New Moon. Well, Happy Thursday! Have a great one and for those who were having a weird one like I, hope it gets better you, I really do ü ∞

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